My Journey to Victory and Lessons I Learned Along the Way.
Always Honest. Sometimes Difficult. But Through it All.....
Victory in Jesus!

"But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of him." 2 Corinthians 2:14

Friday, August 6, 2010

Once Again


The words that I post to this blog come from my heart. And they are planted in my heart by the Holy Spirit. He continues to teach so much! This blog serves as a way for me to process what I am learning and gives me the opportunity to share it with you. I want to encourage you if you are suffering or hurting. I want to rejoice with you at God's faithfulness and provision! God is so amazing!

Months ago, when I started writing here, I felt like I was a valuable part of the Kingdom. And then God called me to rest. Once He released me from that rest, I began sharing with you again. I felt like sharing my story and God's words with you gave my struggle, my "valley" purpose and meaning. God allowed me this time of sharing as a way for Him to encourage me....I am important to Him. I am still usable, regardless of my failures. He notices me. He loves me. His mercies are new for me every morning! And I needed to feel these things from the God of the universe!

Once again, however, He has called me to a season of rest. He is drawing me near to Him...reminding me to listen for Him, to slow down and deal with some new obstacles and mountains that have shown up on my journey. But I am still confident that I am not walking alone but in the footsteps of my Savior!

I pray that God releases me to share with you again soon. But I also know that He is calling me to this season of rest to prepare me for something I'm not expecting.
